A:1. What chemical toxins are currently in your make-up/are you aware of what they are doing to you?
S: I am not familiar with what's in my makeup but they are professional products so I wouldn't think they are damaging to my health!
A:2. Do you think producers of these products should have to inform the public about these chemicals and why?
S:Yes. I think it would be very important to them to inform their consumers of the hazards of using their products because it could be potentially damaging to the person using the product and it is also dishonest.
A:3. How much do you know about chemicals in your make-up?
S: I pay attention to the main ingredients and I use professional products. I use things that I think will benefit what look I am trying to achieve without damaging my skin!
A:4. Being a Toni&Guy graduate and having to work with these chemicals all day does this concern you and your health?
S: Being a Toni&Guy graduate, I feel as though I am very well educated about makeup and what is used in the beauty products people use everyday. I am not personally concerned with my health, but I would be concerned about someone else's that was less educated on the topic.
A:5. Do you think more salons should tell their clients if they are using hazardous chemicals on them?
S: Yes! I think any professional hairstylist should only suggest the best products they truly believe are both beneficial and healthy for the client.
A:6. Do you think if people knew what chemicals were in the makeup they used, they would continue it's use?
S: I think if more people knew about the chemicals found in their makeup, some would start using more organic makeup, but unfortunately some people will still opt for the cheaper brands.
A:7.Or do you think people are aware of the chemicals but do not care because no one else seems to?
S: I think sometimes people care but believe they are invisible to anything bad happening to their bodies and skin, for example a tanning bed.
A:8. Do you think harmful makeup has to do with money/why?
S: Using chemicals rather than organic or professional ingredients definitely because of the cost of the professional ingredients. A company can make a lot more money charging people 8 dollars for foundation that took 2 dollars to make.
A:9. Did you know that on face washes the black, green, or red lines on the top of the bottle actually mean something? (Black= all chemicals, Red= Mostly chemicals, Green= No chemicals). What is your reaction to this?
S: I think the color coding is a great tool used by the FDA, but at the same time I believe it should be stated in a way that everyone can understand. Companies should be straight forward to what people are putting on their skin and clogging their pores with.
A:10. What do you think happens to the makeup you wash off your face at night/where do you think it goes?
S: The makeup you wash off your face sometimes does not completely get washed off your face, and it leads to clogged pores, and other things that are potentially harmful to your body/skin.
I chose one of my best friends "Scarlett" for the specific reason that she is going into cosmetology. She graduated from Toni&Guy and now wants to open up her own hair dressing shop. She is very good at what she does, and she has even done my hair in the past for me when we were both unaware of the toxins involved. I wanted to see her reaction to these questions and see how much of an impact they would make on her.
This is "Scarlett" when she was in school at Toni&Guy doing hair for someone's prom.
Marissa's Interview
1. Q: Are you aware of the ingredients
in your cosmetic products?
A: No, not really.
2. Q: Do you know/ believe that some of
these ingredients could potentially be toxic and dangerous to your health?
A: Yes.
3. Q: Do your products have any warning
on the label telling you about the potential toxins in their products and their
side effects?
A: No, they don’t.
4. Q: Have you ever experiences any
negative side effects from any cosmetic products?
A: No, I have pretty good skin and
it isn’t effected by products.
5. Q: Being an esthetician and having
worked with many different cosmetic products, have you ever been informed about
this issue/are you concerned about it?
A: Yes we were informed about
harmful products and I was concerned about it, but now I use products that I
know to be healthy. .
6. Q: Having some new knowledge about
the products you’re using, will you put more thought into what you buy/use in
the future?
A: Yes, I will continue to look for
products that are healthy for my skin.
7. Q: Why do you think companies choose
to use these harmful ingredients vs. other, healthier ingredients?
A: They’re probably less expensive to
use and easier to get. Many companies are more concerned with making money than
the health of their customers.
8. Q: Are you aware of the side effects
that beauty products have on the environment? Could you give an example of one?
A: Not really. It could be considered toxic waste when you
throw toxic products away.
9. Q: 60% of what we put on our skin
gets absorbed, do you look at this as a good thing or a bad thing?
A: It depends what you’re using, I
guess. If you use products with chemicals it could potentially be a bad thing
but if you use natural products like the organic line that I use, it could be a
good thing.
10. Q: Would you consider using less
makeup and other cosmetic products that are harmful to you and the environment
now that you are informed? Will you inform others on this issue?A: Honestly, no I’ll still wear
makeup. But, yes I have informed other people about toxic ingredients in the
products because that’s what we were taught to do at NYR. (NYR is short for Neal’s
Yard Remedies, an organic English makeup company that my mom worked for)
11. Q: What do you think would happen if
companies were required to list the potential harmful side effects on their
products? Do you think they should have to?
A: I think some of them would lose a
lot of money. Possibly go out of business. They should disclose what they use
in their products because consumers have a right to know.
I interviewed my mom, who is a licensed esthatician and has used many different kinds of cosmetic products in her life. She is always wearing makeup and I was curious to see how much she actually knew about her products and if it would be more likely because she worked in the skin care business.
Tessa's Interview
1.) Q. What is the current type of makeup you are using?
A. I use Lancome eyeliner.
2.) Q. Did you always use this brand?
A. No, I use to use a cheaper brand that I could just buy at the local drug store.
3.) Q. I was having a bad reaction to the ingredients used in this product. I am guessing that it had to do with all the chemicals they put in it.
4.) Q. Did you ever think of where the chemicals used in makeup and things such as shampoos end up after they are used?
A. No, its crazy to think about all of the repercussions caused by these products, on your body or even where they end up in the environment.
5.) Q. Do you think that if people were aware of the chemicals that they are putting on their bodies that they would stop using them?
A. I think that they would switch brand names to something similar but have less harmful chemicals in them.
6.) Q. Now that you know the effects of these products are you going to tell your family and friends what are in these types of products?
A. Yes, I am going to tell my family and friends about some of the toxins that are found in these products. I am also going to see what type of products I am using at home and do a little research.
7.) Q. Why do you think people put these toxins on their bodies?
A. I think that it is lack of knowledge. People may think more about looks than health or the environment.
8.) Q. Do you think companies will start changing how they produce their products.
A. No, because the economy is low and it would be to expensive but I wish they would.
I interview my friend Devin, I knew that she interested in what she is using on her body and what is happening to the environment. She now wants to research the products that her and her family uses.
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