Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Presentation Content:

Existentialism and Pragmatism

  Pragmatism (teaching)

  • Our teaching methods are hands on curricula, group work, experimentation.
  • Becoming more knowledgeable of the subject and being able to use it in daily life.
 Existentialism (goals)
  • Have students take responsibility for their own actions.
  • Having the students develop independence, self-discipline; set challenges and solve problems.

Course of Action
We will be starting off with a brief introduction with facts and specific information about the chemicals in cosmetics. Most of presentation will be on a power point. We will personally be bringing in products of our own and using a website that will tell us what chemicals are in the products we use in our daily lives. Taking notes is recommended because we will be having a trivia game at the end with some small prizes.

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