Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Presentation Content:

Existentialism and Pragmatism

  Pragmatism (teaching)

  • Our teaching methods are hands on curricula, group work, experimentation.
  • Becoming more knowledgeable of the subject and being able to use it in daily life.
 Existentialism (goals)
  • Have students take responsibility for their own actions.
  • Having the students develop independence, self-discipline; set challenges and solve problems.

Course of Action
We will be starting off with a brief introduction with facts and specific information about the chemicals in cosmetics. Most of presentation will be on a power point. We will personally be bringing in products of our own and using a website that will tell us what chemicals are in the products we use in our daily lives. Taking notes is recommended because we will be having a trivia game at the end with some small prizes.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Concept Map

        When researching our topic to complete our concept map, we found some new information that we hadn't even considered yet. We looked in depth at the topics we have already covered, including personal health and pollution in our environment; we also found information about cosmetic testing on animals and decided to look into that as well. We were shocked to read the information we did, and it only gave us a stronger connection to our topic. We feel even more passionate about what we have been researching as we all share a love for animals, and of course, our own personal health and our environment. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Current News on Cosmetic Toxins

          When we go to purchase products, we tend to look for the things that will last us the longest; however, this is not what we should be doing. Many cosmetic products are produced with chemicals that will release formaldehyde as they sit on our shelves or our makeup bags. Although it is successful in preserving the product, it is highly toxic to our immune and nervous systems. Companies use the other chemicals as a way to disguise their use of formaldehyde, among them are: Quaternium-15, DMDM Hydantoin, Ureas and Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate. Their use of these products is keeping us uninformed about what we are putting onto our skin and therefore into our bodies
          As we are becoming a bit more aware of the issue of potential toxins in our cosmetic products, we have begun to realize that we are being used as guinea pigs for the companies producing our products. Many different groups are creating resources for us to use that will allow us to become informed about the products we are using. A new phone application called "Think Dirty" has been created to do just this. Using this application to scan the bar code on any product will give you instant information on it, telling you if it has toxic chemicals in it. You can download the application on your phones app store or click this link to learn more about it: http://www.onegreenplanet.org/news/new-think-dirty-app-scans-your-cosmetics-for-toxins/
Some companies like Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble have responded to our concerns and have claimed that they will remove the toxic chemicals, including formaldehyde from their products.

*Even within the same companies, cosmetic products are produced in many different factories. As we searched for a map of specific factories, for example, the Maybeline factory in Little Rock, Arkansas, we found no information or pictures. This further proves the point that cosmetic companies are holding back information from us, leaving us uninformed about their products, the things that are potentially causing us great harm.

(article)     http://www.naturalnews.com/041323_formaldehyde_skin_care_cosmetics.html
(websites) http://www.onegreenplanet.org/news/new-think-dirty-app-scans-your-cosmetics-for-toxins/

Abby's Taking Action:

What I did for my Take Action was 'tweet' at Barack Obama (or his representatives) to have the FDA improve their system of checking their cosmetic products. I told him in a direct tweet (no one sees this but his representatives) that many women are getting breast cancer from these products, and women who are pregnant or nursing that it is infecting their milk and their growing child. The metals in these cosmetics can also lead to brain defects in the mother as well as the child growing inside of her, or taking in her breast milk. The FDA needs to have a better control over what they are giving to the public, and they should ban any cosmetics that are harmful. It felt good taking action in a cause that I really enjoy being a part of, and knowing that even the smallest of voices can make an impact is really encouraging. This website http://web.colby.edu/cleanmakeup/taking-action/ tells you how to access your state and federal representatives and in what manner to do so.

Marissa's Taking Action:

I searched for ways to take action in regards to promoting safe cosmetics. What I found was actually very reassuring; I looked for specific information on ways that Massachusetts is working toward eliminating harmful products and found a lot of information. I read that many bills have/are being written for this topic and one of them was actually written by someone from my home town. I decided to search for something that wouldn't just be limited to Massachusetts and found an online petition that is campaigning for safe cosmetics, but specifically safe perfume. If you are a celebrity in Hollywood it is almost a requirement to have your own fragrance. This petition is geared towards creating safer perfumes and bringing awareness to the fact that they really are harmful to us. Although this petition didn't go directly towards a state representative, I felt good about signing it. Things like this can be sent to state governments or the national government directly once many people have signed it and will, hopefully, be an incentive for them to personally take action. It was a small gesture but my voice has been heard and is there for everyone to see. You can sign the petition here: http://org2.salsalabs.com/o/5500/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=3007

Tessa's Taking Action:

I searched for an act on taking action against the toxins in products such as shampoos and everyday necessities. I came across the Safe Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Act of 2013. I found this very interesting because I haven't heard of anything like it before. I didn't realize that a lot of people are also taking action against the toxins that are found in these products. This act ensures that all personal products are free of toxins. The existing law has not been updated since 1938, and it has meant loopholes allowing chemicals to lead to birth defects, cancer, and learning disabilities. The campaign has raised awareness and has got many people interested in what they are putting in/on their bodies. While researching on many different sites I came across a list of products that anyone could protest against and it gave examples of why. I wrote a letter to Walgreens asking them to stop using private labeled baby shampoos that contain ingredient's that contain carcinogen such as formaldehyde. Here is a link: http://org2.salsalabs.com/o/5500/p/dia/action/public/index to all of the products that people can become more aware on and even take a stand against if they wish to do so.

Monday, October 14, 2013


Abby's Interview

A:1. What chemical toxins are currently in your make-up/are you aware of what they are doing to you?
S: I am not familiar with what's in my makeup but they are professional products so I wouldn't think they are damaging to my health!

A:2. Do you think producers of these products should have to inform the public about these chemicals and why?
S:Yes. I think it would be very important to them to inform their consumers of the hazards of using their products because it could be potentially damaging to the person using the product and it is also dishonest. 

A:3. How much do you know about chemicals in your make-up?
S: I pay attention to the main ingredients and I use professional products. I use things that I think will benefit what look I am trying to achieve without damaging my skin!

A:4. Being a Toni&Guy graduate and having to work with these chemicals all day does this concern you and your health?
S: Being a Toni&Guy graduate, I feel as though I am very well educated about makeup and what is used in the beauty products people use everyday. I am not personally concerned with my health, but I would be concerned about someone else's that was less educated on the topic.

A:5. Do you think more salons should tell their clients if they are using hazardous chemicals on them?
S: Yes! I think any professional hairstylist should only suggest the best products they truly believe are both beneficial and healthy for the client.

A:6. Do you think if people knew what chemicals were in the makeup they used, they would continue it's use?
S: I think if more people knew about the chemicals found in their makeup, some would start using more organic makeup, but unfortunately some people will still opt for the cheaper brands.

A:7.Or do you think people are aware of the chemicals but do not care because no one else seems to?
S: I think sometimes people care but believe they are invisible to anything bad happening to their bodies and skin, for example a tanning bed.

A:8. Do you think harmful makeup has to do with money/why?
S: Using chemicals rather than organic or professional ingredients definitely because of the cost of the professional ingredients. A company can make a lot more money charging people 8 dollars for foundation that took 2 dollars to make.

A:9. Did you know that on face washes the black, green, or red lines on the top of the bottle actually mean something? (Black= all chemicals, Red= Mostly chemicals, Green= No chemicals). What is your reaction to this?
S: I think the color coding is a great tool used by the FDA, but at the same time I believe it should be stated in a way that everyone can understand. Companies should be straight forward to what people are putting on their skin and clogging their pores with.

A:10. What do you think happens to the makeup you wash off your face at night/where do you think it goes?
S: The makeup you wash off your face sometimes does not completely get washed off your face, and it leads to clogged pores, and other things that are potentially harmful to your body/skin. 

I chose one of my best friends "Scarlett" for the specific reason that she is going into cosmetology. She graduated from Toni&Guy and now wants to open up her own hair dressing shop. She is very good at what she does, and she has even done my hair in the past for me when we were both unaware of the toxins involved. I wanted to see her reaction to these questions and see how much of an impact they would make on her.  

This is "Scarlett" when she was in school at Toni&Guy doing hair for someone's prom. 

Marissa's Interview

1.    Q:  Are you aware of the ingredients in your cosmetic products?
          A:       No, not really.

2.      Q: Do you know/ believe that some of these ingredients could potentially be toxic and dangerous to your health?
            A:     Yes.

3.      Q: Do your products have any warning on the label telling you about the potential toxins in their products and their side effects?
      A: No, they don’t.

4.      Q: Have you ever experiences any negative side effects from any cosmetic products?
      A:  No, I have pretty good skin and it isn’t effected by products.

5.     Q:  Being an esthetician and having worked with many different cosmetic products, have you ever been informed about this issue/are you concerned about it?
     A: Yes we were informed about harmful products and I was concerned about it, but now I use products that I know to be healthy. .

6.     Q:  Having some new knowledge about the products you’re using, will you put more thought into what you buy/use in the future?
           A:   Yes, I will continue to look for products that are healthy for my skin.

7.     Q:  Why do you think companies choose to use these harmful ingredients vs. other, healthier ingredients?
     A: They’re probably less expensive to use and easier to get. Many companies are more concerned with making money than the health of their customers.

8.      Q: Are you aware of the side effects that beauty products have on the environment? Could you give an example of one?
      A: Not really.  It could be considered toxic waste when you throw toxic products away.

9.      Q: 60% of what we put on our skin gets absorbed, do you look at this as a good thing or a bad thing?
      A:  It depends what you’re using, I guess. If you use products with chemicals it could potentially be a bad thing but if you use natural products like the organic line that I use, it could be a good thing.

10.  Q: Would you consider using less makeup and other cosmetic products that are harmful to you and the environment now that you are informed? Will you inform others on this issue?AHonestly, no I’ll still wear makeup. But, yes I have informed other people about toxic ingredients in the products because that’s what we were taught to do at NYR. (NYR is short for Neal’s Yard Remedies, an organic English makeup company that my mom worked for)

11.  Q: What do you think would happen if companies were required to list the potential harmful side effects on their products? Do you think they should have to?
      A:  I think some of them would lose a lot of money. Possibly go out of business. They should disclose what they use in their products because consumers have a right to know. 

I interviewed my mom, who is a licensed esthatician and has used many different kinds of cosmetic products in her life. She is always wearing makeup and I was curious to see how much she actually knew about her products and if it would be more likely because she worked in the skin care business.

Tessa's Interview

1.) Q. What is the current type of makeup you are using?
       A. I use Lancome eyeliner.

2.) Q. Did you always use this brand?
       A. No, I use to use a cheaper brand that I could just buy at the local drug store.

3.) Q. I was having a bad reaction to the ingredients used in this product. I am guessing that it had to do with all the chemicals they put in it.

4.) Q. Did you ever think of where the chemicals used in makeup and things such as shampoos end up after they are used?
       A. No, its crazy to think about all of the repercussions caused by these products, on your body or even where they end up in the environment.

5.) Q. Do you think that if people were aware of  the chemicals that they are putting on their bodies that they would stop using them?
       A. I think that they would switch brand names to something similar but have less harmful chemicals in them.

6.) Q. Now that you know the effects of  these products are you going to tell your family and friends what are in these types of products?
       A. Yes, I am going to tell my family and friends about some of the toxins that are found in these products. I am also going to see what type of products I am using at home and do a little research.

7.) Q. Why do you think people put these toxins on their bodies?
       A. I think that it is lack of knowledge. People may think more about looks than health or the environment.

8.) Q. Do you think companies will start changing how they produce their products.
       A. No, because the economy is low and it would be to expensive but I wish they would.

I interview my friend Devin, I knew that she interested in what she is using on her body and what is happening to the environment. She now wants to research the products that her and her family uses.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

What Are You Putting On Your Skin?

                People purchase cosmetic products (shampoo, body wash, makeup, etc.) in hopes that they will improve their overall health/hygiene. Little do they know, these products contain many toxins that could be doing just the opposite. Many of them contain plasticizers (chemicals meant to keep concrete soft), pesticides, reproductive toxins, degreasers (which are used to get grease off of auto parts), etc. Does that sound like something you would want to rub on your skin? 
               These chemicals don't remain on the surface of your skin, they dig deeper. Containing heavy metals that may be toxic to the brain, they can cause cancer, infertility, birth defects, and learning disabilities; these are only a few of the horrific things the products can cause.
               When you use a product like face wash, you aren't only harming yourself, you're harming the environment as well as others living in it. When you rinse makeup off your face, it goes down the drain and then where? We tend not to think about where everything goes. The toxins from this "beauty product" will end up in a landfill polluting the environment and giving off toxic gases such as formaldehyde. This gas can not only lead to cancer but it can trigger asthma attacks and allergies as well. People who do not even use these products can be affected by inhaling them.
               The moral of the story is: we need to pay more attention to what goes into the products we use. If you want to find out more about the products you're currently using and begin your journey to a healthier you, click the link below.


Abby's View
At first I believed I knew what this blog topic was going to be about, and all of the topics that were going to be covered in it. I was very wrong, I had not even given thought to the environmental damages that makeup can cause, and not to mention the effects of cosmetics on wildlife. I had heard about the cancer causing toxins that were hidden in makeup but never really gave it a second glance, I mean how bad could they really be? I thought ignorance was bliss, but in reality ignorance will lead me to a body filled with toxic chemicals that are not only harming myself but others around me. The fact that really shocked me was that makeup that people slather on their faces day to day can lead to birth defects. It is a scary thought that many mothers in the world today could be blind to this, and be harming their babies without any knowledge of it. After all, makeup is not exactly a huge health topic today, and no one seems to making it one either.

Marissa's View
When most people hear the word "cosmetic" they will usually think strictly of makeup. I tended to do this, myself, until this topic was presented to me in class. Cosmetics include many things that are used by all people; shampoo, shaving cream, body wash and mascara are only a few of them. It is amazing to me how we have all been kept in the dark when it comes to what is really in these products that we use everyday. I hope that in our research on this topic I am able to understand more clearly what exactly I am putting on my skin and into my body and what the real risks are in using them. I want to be able to inform others as well and try to find out if there are any products available for us that are 100% healthy and safe. This topic isn't something many people ever even think about, but in the little amount of research we have done, I already know that it one that we should pay closer attention to. There are so many dangerous side effects that it would be ignorant of us to keep looking past the truth of these products.

Tessa's View
I never really thought about all of the toxins that could be in products that I use everyday until I did a little research. It is a scary thought when you discover all of the things that you put onto your body can harm you. Not only makeup, it extends a lot further than that. Did you know that certain shampoos and conditioners that we use can cause neurological damage? Or cancer? The products that are suppose to help our hair grow and become strong, are causing problems like Alzheimer's disease and other nervous system disorders.  A new testing discovered over 98 shampoos with a cancer causing ingredient! That is crazy! There are so many different products out there, I never would have thought all of these problems with such a simple product like shampoo and conditioner. I know the next time I go shopping for something to put on my body I am going to do a little more research.